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How to be your authentic Self affirmation Jun 16, 2023

Sometimes the hardest task we may have is to stand in our truth being who we really are not what others want us to be. The question is, are you aware of your authentic self? Often we are...

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Choose to Thrive affirmation Jun 16, 2023

I no longer own the mindset of survival of the fittest, but sometimes I hear this very soft inner voice of programming say it to me. Prior to being sick in October that voice had gotten a bit...

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Grace and Gratitude affirmation Jun 16, 2023

This week I have been resting in a space of immense grace and gratitude. Celebrating all that I am thankful for allows my heart to be open to receive and experience unconditional love. I honor...

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Peace is Found Within affirmation Jun 16, 2023

Have you ever experienced a sense of emptiness or what I call a low emotional point?  It can manifest itself as various emotions; such as, sadness, disappointment, loneliness.  During...

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The Flow of Life affirmation Jun 16, 2023

For those times that you feel like you are forcing things to happen take a moment to step back and observe the situation with detached awareness, like you are watching a movie. From that vantage...

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Rejoice in Being Genuine affirmation Jun 16, 2023

Once I released the need to do some of the beautiful traditions that had been a part of me for so long but had lost the authenticity for me as well as the true spirit by which they were intended,...

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Starting a New Year affirmation Jun 16, 2023

When I start a New Year, I begin with such vigor and passion to accomplish all my goals; I hit the ground running! But as I walk the path of mindfulness and self awakening, I realize that if I...

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Cancel, Clear, Delete Jun 16, 2023

We are in full swing of a New Year, and as many of you have read this week in my Gentle Reflection, I am excited about the launch of my upcoming new radio show. In the spirit of walking the walk...

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Release Anger and Live with Peace affirmation Jun 16, 2023

Having my practice for nine years now, I have noticed that anger wears many disguises. Sometimes it is as blatant as yelling and screaming or the deadly silent treatment but other times it...

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Live Authentically Jun 16, 2023

As you choose to explore self, you inevitably come upon the aspect of personal power. Personal power is not something to be exploited, demonstrative or dictatorial.  Rather a quiet sense of...

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Staying On Point affirmation Jun 16, 2023

Whether you classify yourself as a “go getter” or not we all desire to accomplish or achieve certain goals and experiences.  When we do not reach our objective within the...

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Celebrate Change affirmation Jun 16, 2023

As I put closure to my time on Blog Talk Radio, I am reminded to celebrate what that period brought me.  I believe that when we look at life experiences from “what did this teach me...

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