Pathway To Inner Peace -  Featuring The 4R Method™

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Journey Within affirmation Jun 16, 2023

What are my real needs, wants, and desires?  What do I need, right now, for me?  Explore these questions off the top of your head and then consider them while spending time quietly...

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Live with an Open Heart affirmation Jun 16, 2023

As human beings, we all have experienced our hearts being hurt even broken.  We have had our feelings hurt and yes even crushed.  It is vitally important that such experiences do not...

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Honesty Holds a Master Key affirmation Jun 16, 2023

Honesty holds a master key in every aspect of our life. If we greet life being honest, first with ourselves, we are better able to show up honestly in our relationships or our interactions with...

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Take A Breath affirmation Jun 16, 2023

Have you ever noticed that you hold your breath under stress or when you have an emotional response to a situation?  If you tense up, say while you are driving or carrying a load of groceries...

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Oh Yeah, I’m breathing… 07/05 by Awaken Your Connection | Blog Talk Radio blog talk radio meditation Jun 16, 2023

Please enjoy my first Blog Talk Radio – July 5, 2013

Title:  Oh Yeah, I’m breathing

We typically do not notice our breath and the power it holds in feeding our body.  Our...

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We are Limitless Beings affirmation Jun 16, 2023

We are limitless beings filled with infinite possibility!  I don’t know about you, but for me that gives me a high.  I know there are times I think restrictive thoughts about my...

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Smiles Are Contagious affirmation Jun 16, 2023

Smiles are contagious – we have all heard when you smile the world smiles back at you.  Today own a smile and share it.  You can and will inspire others with your own.

Here are...

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Embracing uncertainty affirmation Jun 16, 2023

Ever grow weary of uncertainty?  Rather than attaching to that thought pattern, why not choose to celebrate that life is filled with uncertainty and encourage growth and freedom?  Okay,...

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Peace affirmation Jun 16, 2023

Peace ~ such a simple word that holds such magnificent power.  Close your eyes take a nice inhale, then exhale and as you exhale whisper “Peace” slowly and deliberately. ...

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Heart Rhythm affirmation Jun 16, 2023

According to the Institute of HeartMath, research has shown the pattern of your heart rhythm reflects the state of your emotions and nervous system dynamics. If you choose positive emotions...

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Claim your inner peace affirmation Jun 16, 2023

Wow, life can throw some serious blowing punches. You dodge and weave only so much. You fend off the naysayers, the tough life experiences and challenges, and the emotional...

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Cultivating patience and inner peace affirmation Jun 16, 2023

In conjunction with my Blog Talk Radio Show, this week the theme is Patience.

We all know patience is a virtue but have little time for it.  Learning the art of owning a sense of...

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