Are You Ready To

Rewire and Radiate


Let's Create A Life You Design, Not One Of Default 

Are You Seriously Committed to Taking Care of Your Mental, Emotional, and Physical Health. If So, You're Ready for EXPONENTIAL TRANSFORMATION!


Introducing the revolutionary Rewire and Radiate program backed by scientifically proven tools and techniques.

I created this program specifically to solve some of the problems I was experiencing and have worked for over 20 years to help others do the same. 

In my Rewire and Radiate program you will learn how to tune into self.  You will become self-aware, begin to develop your mind and body and then evolve to your best self.

Schedule Your Free Breakthrough Session Now!

Not Sure If This Is For You?

Ask Yourself These Questions

* Do you struggle with debilitating emotions such as guilt, shame and regret? Do you have what I called the would of, could of, should of mindset?

* Is negative thinking, and worrisome thoughts and fears leaving you feeling anxious and filled with self-doubt?

* Do you feel like you are so busy pleasing others and trying to be everything to everybody that you have lost a sense of self?

* Are you just going through the motions of life with no passion or purpose? Do you feel like something is missing?  


If you answered YES to any of these questions, the Rewire and Radiate program may be for you. 

Schedule Your Free Breakthrough Session Now!

How Do You Achieve Exponential Results?


We begin by cultivating a deep sense of self-awareness.


Learn to navigate the seven principles of living mindful & how to release what no longer serves.


With this pillar, you learn to live with repetition in your new habits & behaviors.


Your new way of being, living, & doing is reflected in your outer world experiences.

This Is What You Can Achieve Working With Me?

* You will break free from sabotaging thoughts and outdated beliefs. 

* You will cultivate greater joy, inner peace, & empowerment. 

* You will design a life of fulfillment & authenticity - a life you love living. 

* You will manage daily stress effortlessly for mental & emotional equanimity.

* You will enhance communication & relationship-building skills. 

* You will foster a positive outlook on life.

Let's Get Started

Together We'll Map Out A Tailor Made Strategy Unique To YOU.


Together we’ll map out a tailor-made strategy for you to Recognize, what emotional currents are running in the subconscious, learn to Release those sabotaging thoughts that don’t serve and Rewire the brain to support a healthy mental, emotional and physical state of being!

Here's What's Included:

Up to a 90-minute intuitive coaching session, learning key techniques to assist in rewiring your brain & optional energy work to assist in anchoring in the new vibration on a cellular level. 

A channeled message, if you're open to it, I receive from Source that assists me in tailoring the session to meet your needs spiritually. 

Personalized recordings to included guided meditations that support your coaching session.

Access to me via text, email, and phone to answer questions, and/or help you apply what you are learning to your life!

Schedule Your Free Breakthrough Session Now!

Here's Why I Created This Program

Over 25 years ago, I was the owner of a thriving insurance agency, in a dysfunctional marriage, had one child and another on the way and absolutely no idea who I really was.   My anxiety was slowly picking up speed and I could feel the train wreck getting ready to happen.

I was like a chameleon. I could be whatever you wanted me to be.  Whether it was what society, and loved ones thought I should be or what I thought I should be, self-imposed expectations, beliefs or conditioning.

 I realized that not knowing or understanding myself meant I was leading an inauthentic life.  I truly believe that this lack of understanding was a contributing factor to my anxiety, emptiness and unhappiness.  How could I change anything in my outer world if I didn’t understand and know my inner world?  So, I started a quest for my own sense of truth.

 I read a ton of books, took all kinds of meditation, yoga and energy work classes. Trained with some of the most renowned teachers like Dr. Wayne Dyer, Louise Hay, Dr. Jon Kabat Zinn, Dr. Joe Dispenza, Dr. David Hawkins and Marc Lesser.

As I began a new way of living for myself, my friends and family saw this amazing transformation take place.  Some even thought I had a face lift I looked so radiant!

People began asking me to share my “secret sauce” - I was so excited!  I was not only living my authenticity but living with purpose and passion!  Sharing with others my new way of living.  I could not imagine living my life from any other space! 

Little did I know, my newfound way of living would be my life raft through some of my biggest life challenges including messy divorce, and the short sell of my home.      

Hence the birth of my business Awaken with Light Inc in 2006. Since then I have taken all the years of training and application in my own life, as well as working with 100’s of men and women and developed my revolutionary system called Rewire and Radiate.

Learn More About Nancy Gentle Boudrie

The Transformative Results My Clients Experience

Karen H.

I have been receiving Nancy’s powerful weekly mindful moments emails for years and recently decided to work with her Rewire and Radiate program.  It has been a life changing experience! Each session is filled with insight, compassion and guidance on how to tune into my body, live in awareness and achieve mental clarity with any situation that may arise both professionally and personally.   The Reiki sessions have made my heart and mind feel lighter and more at ease.  Nancy’s enthusiasm is contagious, her commitment to her clients is unwavering and her techniques and “tools” to help live a life that I design has certainly put me on the path to being the best version of myself!  Take the time to work with Nancy, you are worth it!


“I recently completed the 90 Day Rewire & Radiate program.  Whether you call it wellness, awareness, mindfulness, consciousness, enlightenment, or presence it’s all the same thing. It is TRUTH. Nancy taught me how to see my truth and thus be set free. I became witness, without judgement or expectation, to my thoughts, moods, feelings and actions. I began to see how I created my own suffering and learned how to change from victim to victor. Where I once felt stuck, I learned to move. Where I felt confused, clarity arose. Where I was lost, found. It’s sounds big and mystical as I write this, but the process is simple and is available to everyone.

Nancy makes self-exploration feel like an adventure. She’s funny, intelligent and compassionate. She knows the truth of what she shares not because of the impressive number of certificates on her wall, but because she has LIVED it. She has done and continues to do her own work. I respect her highly and value deeply the contribution she has made to my life. I am forever changed.” In gratitude”


“I chose to work with Nancy because I felt an immediate connection when we first met. Her 90-day Rewire and Radiate program helped me create more peace, joy and love in my professional and personal life. Her spiritual guidance has been like no other I have experienced. One things I liked about her approach is her complete authenticity. As well as the volumes of information I can access forever! I have been guided and given tools in a most compassionate and caring way which have made significant positive changes in my life. Nancy is an amazing woman with amazing energy that she readily shares.I have recommended Nancy and will continue to for individual personal self-development and lifelong changes.”


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