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Breathe In and Embrace Positivity

gentle reflection Jun 14, 2023
Clearing Mind Clutter

Spring is a perfect time of the year to clean out and de-clutter the mental closets and drawers within our minds. Whether it is our emotional, spiritual, or physical mindset, take a few minutes to go outside today, close your eyes, and breathe in the freshness. Embrace and allow a sense of renewal and replenishment. On the exhale, imagine letting go of what no longer serves you and allowing full releasement of old thought patterns and beliefs. No analysis and no judgment. Simply allow and embrace positive thoughts of gratitude, order, and simplicity. By re-organizing your thoughts this springtime, joy, and happiness will flow with no encumbrances.

Click Listen Now to hear a 6-minute breathing in-life mindful exercise.

Embracing spring,

Nancy Gentle Boudrie


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