Pathway To Inner Peace -  Featuring The 4R Method™

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Take it all in!

Jun 16, 2023

I have found one of the best skills I have cultivated and continue to develop is the discipline to live in full awareness of each moment in time. That might sound difficult but if you start by taking note of the details of your day or the order of events you will view the time in your day differently. As time progresses, I realize how life is filled with helpful hints, nudges and advice if we just take notice.

Choose to see the clues or directives that are being offered to you. They will affirm what you know to be true. You will become a co-creator in your life, experiencing control because you have chosen to be aware of each moment.  Learn to take the guidance being given to you.
You can choose to dismiss such moments as coincidences but by taking notice of the details in each moment it can lead you to a better sense of presence in life’s daily experiences. This can lead you to a greater appreciation, awareness or just an overall sense of peace for the details in your daily life.
Taking it all in,



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